Among my 2024 goals was to launch virtual classes. Months ago, I wrote up a bunch of ideas and sketched out a curriculum. But so many other projects got in the way. Or, I let them get in the way because I wanted the classes to be special and to have them be “perfect” for launch.
It was sheer procrastination. This month, I said to myself: “You’re going to do it! You have fewer stressful things on your schedule. Look at all the folks who signed up for other online classes you’ve taught elsewhere. What the HECK are you waiting for?”

Additionally, I’ve recently had some new recipe and technique breakthroughs that I want to share with you as we cook together. I’m really jazzed about them.
So, I’m preparing to roll out 4 classes for your consideration. I’ve been working to make them interesting for you — to create a situation for you to develop your Asian cooking chops.

Why virtual cooking classes?
I miss in-person cooking classes but the reality is that I couldn’t teach that many people. A number of people drove long distances and some flew in to take classes with me. I was stoked by their commitment but not everyone has the time nor money to go through such lengths.
And, often times the equipment at cooking school facilities differs from what’s in a home kitchen. Sometimes the equipment my students and I had to work with was wonky. I resorted to bringing in my own home appliances!
You’re better off cooking my recipes in your own home with your equipment. Any hiccups or questions that you have during our time together — I’ll do my best to help out. I can troubleshoot while you’re in situ!
The downside is that if you plan to cook along, you’ll have to get the ingredients yourself in advance of the class. Speaking of which . . .
Ingredient and equipment needs
To make the classes relatively easy going, light lifts, I’m preparing materials for you with pantry and shopping lists. Plus, I’m flagging special equipment needs (there are few).
Most ingredients will be available at a regular supermarket. Asian market shopping will be kept to a minimum. During class, I’m always happy to show you various brands that I have in my own kitchen, too. (My kitchen pantry is like a mini Asian market.)
Because I hope to teach a much broader range of cooks with differing dietary needs — when possible — each class will have vegetarian and omnivore options. Everyone can and should cook this food!
So, lots of gears are moving in my head as I test tweaks in my kitchen and tap on my keyboard.
When can you register?
Soon registration will open up. Right now, I’m looking at August and September dates for these to run. You can be anywhere in the world and take them.
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